How to never have Mail setting on your kitchen table

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Have you ever went to set the table for dinner and realized it was covered with your mail, some opened and some not, newspapers, and who knows what?  There was a time that this happened to me and what an aggravating way to start a nice relaxing meal!  Today I want to give you the very best hint for not letting that happen.  Once I realized and acted on this one idea it has never happened again.  What is this life-changing solution?  Simply this - I handle it just once by going through each piece right away.  When I run out to the mailbox I immediately bring in the pile and go through it. 

  • My husband’s mail goes into a little basket that goes into his office.
  • My children’s mail goes into each of their respective baskets that have a home by my desk.
  • Mine is opened immediately with all junk mail being disposed of right when it’s opened, any bills getting put into my bill container, any readable pieces that I truly want to read either getting read right then or put into my purse for when I am car pooling or waiting at an appointment.  I also have folders for any other pieces that come periodically but don’t fit into these categories.

The first few times of trying this system, habit may have you wanting to go back to dropping it on the most convenient counter thinking you’ll get to it at a “better time” but give this easy system a go and I guarantee you will love it.  And your table will always be ready for what it’s meant for - a delicious and enjoyable meal with your people.

Faye Badenhop