The two Questions i ask myself about every item i own

Our stuff takes up so much of our time and that’s why it’s super important to be very very picky about what we keep in our homes.  Think of one item of all the things you own and focus on what it takes to keep that item up, from paying for it and transporting it home, to bringing it in and finding a home for it, to keeping it clean and repaired and put back away.  Now multiply that by each item you own!  A couple years ago I did an experiment where I got rid of 10 items A DAY for 1 year.  You would think there would have been nothing left in my house but unfortunately I could hardly tell a difference!  I am guessing if you pick just one room in your home and count how many items are in that room you will be truly surprised at the amount of things you own.


Now for those two all important questions:

1. Do I love it?  Really be honest in answering this.  It’s not if you like it, or if you loved it at one time, or if you love the person who gave it to you.  Make sure the item brings you joy.

2. Do I use it?  And that would be regularly, not just once in a blue moon.  (I will have a future blog post on what to do when needing an item only once in a while).


So there you go!  Pick a few items in your home and ask yourself these 2 questions.  Don’t pause too long - just a quick yes or no.  If you get a yes it stays with the rest.  If you get 2 no’s the item goes!  And that gives you more time to relax with a cup of coffee, muffins, and your people.

Faye Badenhop